There's still time to participate in Andrew Fox's inquisitive (and humorous)
survey on author etiquette at book signings. Andy's been on tour for
The Good Humor Man since April, and he is quite amazing at making connections with fans and new readers alike. Now he'll be even better! Excerpted from the survey:
Which of the following approaches taken by the author would be most likely to result in your pausing to talk with him or her or examine the books for sale?
A) The author makes eye contact, greets me with a smile, and says, "How are you doing today?"
B) The author makes eye contact and gives me a really quick pitch for the book, such as, "Would-you-like-to-read-about-how-Elvis-saves-the-world-sixty-four-years-after-h e's-died?"
C) The author makes eye contact, greets me with a smile, but doesn't say anything.
D) The author is busy signing copies of his/her books and doesn't appear to notice me, which gives me the freedom to pick up a copy of the book and read the back cover description without being immediately harrangued; if the author happens to look up after I've read the description and starts talking to me, I'll at least say hello.
E) The author is busy talking with other people, which both reassures me that he/she is not radioactive and gives me the freedom to pick up a copy of the book and read the back cover description without being immediately harrangued; if the author happens to look up after I've read the description and starts talking to me, I'll at least say hello.
F) Nothing the author says or does will convince me to pay him/her any mind; I hate being solicited and having my personal space invaded when all I want to do is spend some quiet time minding my own business in a bookstore. I MIGHT wander over to the display and check out the books, but only after the author has left.
Happy long weekend, people - hope it's full of good books and ample time to settle in with at least one...