Steampunk: The Gateway Drug

Today's Gateways to Geekery column in The Onion tapped our Steampunk anthology as "a no-brainer entree into steampunk." We're mentioned ahead of The Difference Engine, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and The Golden Compass. Really.
Which reminds me, Jacob and I had a great time at steampunk contributor Joe Lansdale's reading at the wonderful "M" is for Mystery Bookstore in San Mateo. Joe is, as his fiction suggests, deliciously snarky yet extremely genuine - and totally loyal to his Texan roots. We learned many useful things, like what constitutes an East Texan accent (think Boomhauer in King of the Hill). Also that the People's Republic of Berekley is full of "rednecks in funny pants" (so true). Stay tuned for more about our forthcoming collection, The Best of Joe R. Lansdale.
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