I think someone in the office is messing with the tachyons again. How does turkey make you sleepy two days before you've eaten it?
Anyway, good things happen around here whether we nap through them or not. Here are a few:

Lisa Goldstein's The Uncertain Places has been named one of Library Journal's
Best Books 2011: SF/Fantasy. The review called the book "a modern fairy tale elegantly told." In
The Agony Column, Rick Kleffel concluded "like the fairy tales it so powerfully evokes, a few pages spent in 'The Uncertain Places' offers readers the feel of whole lives lived well, of magic brushing up close before pulling away, of our world, enchanted for just long enough to know what it is missing."

Meanwhile John Kessel and James Patrick Kelly's Kafkaesque anthology received a rave from Publishers Weekly: "Kessel and Kelly (The Secret History of Science Fiction) celebrate the life and career of Franz Kafka in this eclectic, mind-blowing collection of 18 reprints."
Check out John Kessel's
NPR interview and you can hear him talk about Kafkaesque and read from his new original translation of "A Hunger Artist."
Don't forget that there's still
free Media Mail shipping on the Tachyon website. Order as many books as you like, they still ship for free! Everyone you give a gift to this year should get a book, preferably one of ours. Just saying.
Happy holiday, folks. See you after zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...