Monday, October 01, 2007

Happy Birthday, Rewired!

October 1st, 2007 - the day cyberpunk died. About time.

Rewired: The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology is officially out, and it is another stellar effort from the dynamic duo of James Patrick Kelly and John Kessel. We're filling the pre-orders as fast as we can. You can still get free shipping until October 15th, and that goes for all of our titles. So don't miss it.

Just notified of two upcoming reviews with completely opposite perspectives. Not a surprise, but interesting.

Booklist's upcoming review for Rewired says it is "taking the genre to the next level." So that's pretty good, right?

And then there's the upcoming Kirkus review. OK, Kirkus is cranky. Everyone knows this. Our distributor told me that Kirkus called one of their books "embarrassing." Nice. Our Rewired review was a bit snarky, but the thing about Kirkus is that any notice they take of you is A Very Good Thing. It's weird, but that's how publishing works.

Ah, we heart controversy.

So am I gonna direct you to the actual reviews? Well, they're not out yet, so I can't. You'll just have to wait like everyone else.

Happy birthday to the post-cyberpunks - may they continue to kick cyberpunk's ass.



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